The reddit Science AMA

It was a nice experience to have an AMA session at /r/science.

Most contributors were able to balance between skepticism and open-mindedness. It was not surprise for us to see a certain portion of pseudoskeptics who invariably invoke allegories all of which boil down to the same mantra “this is nonsense because this cannot be otherwise”. But it was surprise for us to learn that absolutely any topic in Science AMA series gets 83-93% upvoters, regardless of how many points a thread gets. In other words, whatever the subject is, there is always about the same proportion of people who dislike it.

Links to a couple of threads:
If you wish to claim that any order you detect comes from artificial sources, you first have to eliminate order that comes from known sources.” (A very long but instructive discussion with an anonymous structural biologist. Many appreciations to him for this discussion).
The onus is on you to prove that ideas of notations and zero are incompatible with evolution